Hello. My name is Larry Bounds, and I have been asked to learn so much about Winston Churchill that I can successfully portray him for the Upstate Carolina Chautauqua Festival in June of 2012.
This is not my first such history/humanities adventure. I escaped from a straightjacket and lectured on the deceptions of Spiritualism as Houdini, relived the Civil War from both sides as San Fransisco cynic Ambrose Bierce and Southern gallant Wade Hampton III, and explained the principles of Relativity as Albert Einstein (yes, with wild hair, pipe, and all).
This time, however, I plan to share the process of becoming Churchill through this blog and hope to encourage others who are intrigued by the process to try it themselves.
I am also hoping to get feedback as I go on directions for study and little known Churchill information (though for a man with nearly 700 biographies – how much could be little known?).
Since this is my first blogging effort, I commit to posting every day at least once, and I welcome your input – whoever you may be.